
2024年5月4日—1300,thecrimeorsinofstealingwhatisconsecratedtoGod,fromOldFrenchsacrilege(12c.),fromLatinsacrilegiumtemple...robbery,a ...,FromthedestructionofthatgreatedificeonwardtothetimeofthereestablishmentoftheChurchofJesusChristinthe19thcentury,ouronlyrecordof ...,ThistempleislocatedinShui-YuanLi,TamsuiTown,TaipeiCounty,whichwasknownasShui-Zi-Toe,aboutfivekilometersfromthedowntown.,TheTempl...

Etymology of temple by etymonline

2024年5月4日 — 1300, the crime or sin of stealing what is consecrated to God, from Old French sacrilege (12c.), from Latin sacrilegium temple...robbery, a ...

History of Temples

From the destruction of that great edifice onward to the time of the reestablishment of the Church of Jesus Christ in the 19th century, our only record of ...

Origin of the temple

This temple is located in Shui-Yuan Li, Tamsui Town, Taipei County, which was known as Shui-Zi-Toe, about five kilometers from the downtown.

Origins of the Temple · Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

The Temple of Jupiter symbolized the sovereignty and immortality of Roman civilization, in an effort to distinguish itself from neighboring peoples when ...


The word comes from Ancient Rome, where a templum constituted a sacred precinct as defined by a priest, or augur. It has the same root as the word template, a ...

Temple in Jerusalem

As an object of longing and a symbol of future redemption, the Temple has been commemorated in Jewish tradition through prayer, liturgical poetry, art, poetry, ...

Temple of Jerusalem

2024年4月24日 — Temple of Jerusalem was either of two temples that were the center of worship and national identity in ancient Israel. The First Temple was ...

What is the history of temples, its origin and its spread?

2016年12月28日 — Temple originated out of faith, fear and love!! India is full of temples; from local deities to popular gods temples are at each place. DESIRE ...